
Coronary angiography

Coronary angiography (coronary angiogram ) is a test that involves taking x-rays of the coronary arteries and vessels that supply the heart. During this operation, a special stain, or an iodinated product is injected into the coronary artery from a catheter (tube narrow and long) inserted into a blood vessel; each of which then becomes visible in the radiograph. Angiography allows doctors to see the blood flow in the heart, separately, and sometimes even to identify potential problems in the coronary arteries.

Coronary angiography may be recommended for people with angina (chest pain) or those with symptoms of coronary heart disease. It provides physicians with important information about the state of the coronary arteries, which may especially be affected by atherosclerosis, regurgitation (backward pumped through a valve damaged blood) or accumulation of blood in a cavity caused by a malfunctioning heart valve.

What should you expect?

Angiography is performed in a hospital. patient will be to lie on a table and the area around where the catheter will be inserted (groin or arm) we disinfect. Through local anesthesia that will administer your skin will be numb, preventing you from feeling any pain. Then the catheter is carefully guided into a vein or artery to the vicinity of the heart. Once the catheter is in place, it will release the special dye into the bloodstream; this dye facilitate decision clear radiographs and detailed coronary arteries. It should be noted that the injection of the dye may cause a brief sensation of heat, which should, however, be absorbed quickly enough. The duration of an angiogram and a can vary between two hours; However, you can check with the center where you will undergo review to determine the estimated duration of the intervention.

Angiography is a very common procedure that, in general, is considered safe.

How to prepare?

 You should avoid eating or drinking during the 6 to 18 hours before coronary angiography. Consult your doctor about how you prepare for this test, particularly with regard to food, beverages and medicines. If you have questions, check with the center where you are having surgery for specific details in preparation.